Children's Christmas Books

All-time favorites, new favorites, and 2020 wants

I know, it is only November! Don't worry, friends, I am not bringing out the Christmas decorations just yet, but I wanted to put these children's Christmas book suggestions right here just in case you want to get a head start... plus there are some great book sales on amazon right now, and many on this list are a part of those!

This list has all you could want to bring Christmas cheer to your house! First, our all-time faves are the classics and the nostalgic books everyone should have in their library. Next are the recently ordered ones, and I have adored reading with the boys. Lastly are the ones I want to add to our Christmas bookshelf this year!

I hope you find the perfect one for your family!

All-Time Favorites

The Polar Express

We can all agree that this one brings so much whimsy and magic to the season. If you have a little boy like me who is obsessed with trains, it makes it that much more special of a read. This has been in our library for as long as I can remember.

Who Is Coming To Our House?

This book is special and perfect if you have tiny ones in your house. The perspective of the Christmas Story is told from the animals in the barn in Bethlehem who hears they will have some exceptional guests. It's just precious.

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Okay, we all know this by heart, but I love reading it each year. If you don't have this one on your shelf, though, you need to get with it! Rudy is also a great lesson in being kind and embracing our differences!

Eloise at Christmastime

Sweet, silly Eloise is the best. Her spunky spirit is best read about with hot chocolate and sparkly lights in the background. You and your littles will giggle the whole way through... and isn't that what the holidays are all about?

The Night Before Christmas

It's a classic. It's nostalgic. End of story!

New Favorites

'Twas the Evening of Christmas

We got this book last year, and I am determined to make it a Christmas Eve tradition. It is a rift off the original 'Twas the Night Before Christmas but tells the actual Christmas Story and what transpired on one of the Holiest nights of the year. It is a special one, and if you are looking for an addition to your Holiday library, I suggest this one first!

Jesus Calling: The Story of Christmas

I am sure many of you are familiar with the Jesus Calling Devotional, and this book by Sarah Young is just as excellent. We pull this one out on December first and read one page daily. Each devotion is short, sweet, and the perfect way to end our day before bedtime during the Christmas season.

Pick a Pine Tree

Confession time: Sometimes I buy books because I know they will look good on the boy's bookshelves... sometimes the illustrations are just that good, and I look at it as purchasing a piece of art. Weird? maybe. But this book did not disappoint with the illustrations; the story is cute too! All about how to make decorating fun and a part of your traditions!

Little Blue Truck's Christmas

We adore Little Blue Truck in our house. We have several books from this series that are bedtime favorites. This one is no exception, and {bonus} it lights up... and what child doesn't love blinking lights?!

This book was gifted to us by the boy’s great-aunt a few years ago, and we pull it out each Christmas season. Each day has a different activity, story, song, or recipe to try! A fun one to use to get in some family time!

Little Red Sleigh

This book is about a little sleigh whose big dream is to be Santa’s sleigh one day. It seems like a sweet story and one I am putting in my cart this year.

Last Stop on The Reindeer Express

This is one of those covers I was talking about... One that would look like a piece of art on the bookshelf! But from what I can tell about the story, it seems precious too. It is about a little girl who stumbles across a magical mailbox while trying to get her Grandpa a Christmas card on time. I am excited to add this one to the shelf for all these reasons and more!

The Tree That's Meant To Be

We own a couple of Yuval Zommer animal books, and Jones loves them, so when I saw that he had a Christmas book, too, I put it directly on my wish list! The storyline sounds cute too. It is about a crooked little tree who watches all the other trees in the forest get taken home for the holidays. But the animals of the forest are there to cheer him up.

The Little Reindeer

I have had my eye on this one for a while... all about a little girl and a lost reindeer who forge an unlikely friendship!

Room for a Little One

Another sweet retelling of the REAL Christmas Story... which I think is so vital for our children to hear over and over again!

Additions This Year

The Lights in the Church

This one has been calling my name. It is about siblings that, while lost in the woods, stumble upon a church, and something magical happens.

Sounding Joy

If Ellie Holcomb wrote this… I can promise you it will be beautiful and tug at your heartstrings! This book talks about how we experience joy… the feel, the sound… just precious!

The Christmas Pig

A fun Christmas adventure about a boy who loses his beloved stuffed pig on Christmas Eve: this book is written by J.K. Rowling, and I am a sucker for her writing and storytelling. It was written for children a little older and is a chapter book, but it would be perfect for pulling out and read a chapter a night together!

Snowmen at Work

I am trying to add some more winter books to our collection this year to keep out past Christmas. The Snowmen at Night series seemed like the perfect place to start!

The Wheels On The Bus At Christmas

I have a child obsessed with this song, so this one only seems fitting! We will get good wear and tear out of this one this year!

The links on this page are affiliate links, meaning I will get a small percentage of the sale if you buy one.

XOXO, Blair


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